Archive for the “More on Adoption” Category
Learning the RIGHT Lessons about Adopton: What the Oprah Winfrey Reunion Story Teaches Us The Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute held an event on March 10, 2011 at the NYC Hard Rock Cafe to heighten public, media and policymaker awareness about the need to restore adopted adults’ right to access their original birth certificates. [vimeo […]
Thank you Pound Pup Legacy for continuing the conversation: “Personally, I believe when it’s all said and done, three factors influence which voices get picked-up by popular news-media and which hard-core adoption issues, (and the many concerns that go with them) get promoted as serious and significant enough to discuss more openly. First, as it […]
I’m attending this conference on the 14th of this month. It looks promising. I recommend it and hope that it does bring a broader approach to the traditional adoption discourse. Here are a few topics that will be discussed: Racial Politics and the “Business” of Domestic Private Adoption Relinquishment Hindsight: What We Wish the Professionals […]
Please read Timothy Egan’s opinion piece in the New York Times. From out of the ordered suburbs of Idaho to the grim chaos of Haiti came 40-year-old Laura Silsby — fleeing creditors who had foreclosed on her home and ex-employees stiffed of their wages. To the Caribbean she went with nine other self-appointed missionaries and […]
Heather Rainbow on the child trafficking of Haitian children: Haiti is currently holding 10 American Baptists in their country. These 10 Americans were trafficking 33 children into Santa Domingo, in hopes of having them be adopted, despite the fact that these children had homes and families in Haiti. When people come to the United States […]
November 24th, 2009 I’ve been in Orlando for a month now, shooting for my documentary, ironically during National Adoption Awareness Month. The adoption industry proclaims November as “a time to gather and give thanks for the blessings of adoption.” I find it really hard to be thankful for the dislocation and separation adoption caused me […]