Buenas from Costa Rica!

Buenas from Costa Rica! It’s so good to be back here. Every time I visit, I feel more and more at home and closer to my family. And let me tell you, I’m so happy to be out of cold, gray New York. It’s 72 and sunny right now. Expected to go to 94!

We start shooting today and although we’ve received yet another rejection from grant funders, we are pushing forward and staying positive. When I say we, I’m speaking about the wonderful women who have agreed to share their stories with me and my generous friends and family who have been supporting me throughout this whole process. I would not be here without them.

On this trip I’ve assembled a mighty heart-filled guerilla crew. They have volunteered their talents and time to help with publicity, production and translation. “Gracias a Dios,” as Mayela, my sister would say. She and her husband, Jose, are my biggest supporters here in Costa Rica.

Jose has offered his car for transportation around the country and he has filled the pantry with lots goodies to sustain us during production. He’s also hilarious and always keeps our spirits up.

Viva Jose!

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